We've launched a coupon system to show our appreciation for all those who continue to order from us. 

Success rates for domains wildly and we cannot ever guarantee success for drop-catching any domains. That said, we appreciate your business and for every domain that you order and we do not catch, we will give you a coupon for that domain which you can use against future purchases with us. 

The rates are:
.jp domain names: 100 yen coupon to you for every domain that you order that we do not catch
gTLD domain names: 200 yen coupon to you for every domain that you order that we do not catch

Lets assume you order 10 .jp domains. The result is that we catch 3 and 7 fail. Example price for successful catch is: 6,000 yen. 

3 success: 3 X 6,000 = 18,000 yen
7 fail: 7 X 100 = 700

Your coupons are valid for a limited time (as of this article post they are valid for 60 days). Additionally, you do not need to do anything upon checkout to redeem your coupon. They will be automatically calculated and applied to your purchases. 

You can check your coupon balance in your control panel under "coupon" at anytime.